How it works

Step 1: Upload your document

Use the link below to navigate to the upload page.


Fill in the fields and upload your document.


Step 2:

You will recieve a quote by mail

We will send you an email with the turnaround time to proofread your document carefully and precisely and a quote.

We bet you will not find a better pricing within the quality range of our services.

Step 3: Proceed to check out


Use the link provided in the email you received to proceed to payment.

Once done, the specialiste in charge of your document will work exclusively on it till its completion.

Step 4:

Receive your File

When your document is ready, you will receive it in your inbox.

Turnaround time

We do not overload our specialistes so that they can serve you better. Once your payment is complete, the specialist assigned with your document will work exclusively on it till completion. You can rest assured the turnaround time sent to you by mail is most favourable. 

You can always ask us to handle the Typing and formatting 

Have a complete care of your document... ask for our Full Package 2

Quote Calculation


As low as


Our economic prices start as low as 0.06$ per word.

If you are seeking a satisfactory proofreading service, you will find our price to be the best.

Our Quote reflects our attentiveness

We examine the characteristics of your text, its genre, its content, etc. to offer you a quote that reflects the amount of care you can expect from us.

Ask for a

Full Package 2

If you want your document to be  ready-to-go, ask for the Full Package.

The Full package 2 includes: typing, proofreading (Ar only), and formatting. ​​​​​​​

If you have a project with a large number of words

or if you are a company seeking permanent services,

Click here.

We will be glad to make you a special offer.